Saturday, 10 September 2011


Elephants in Main Street are a South African success story with a solid international reputation in innovative, high impact conference events and teambuilding interventions.

We would like to invite you to join us for one of our morning breakfasts being held around the country.

We will be launching our latest products as well as showcasing our most popular products. This is your opportunity to see Elephants in Main Street in action.

Your attendance will ensure you are in the draw to win a free teambuild for your team. There is R500 000 worth of teambuilding to be given away. Each winner will receive a voucher for a free teambuild for up to 50 people. Can you afford not to attend?

If you appreciate the importance of increasing the levels of communication within your organisation, improving the understanding and emotional connection to your brand, as well as raising morale and teamwork, then this invitation is meant for you.

Join us and allow us to share some of our secrets of how we will be able to help you engage the hearts and minds of your people.

Attached please find your invitation to the event happening in your area.

Simply R.S.V.P. to to confirm your booking. Please forward this invite to other decision makers in your company who may also benefit from attending.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to our herd.

Kind Regards

Stephen Blades
083 442 4824

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